Divide Blogger Labels/Categories widget into Two Columns
Previously you only have single column for Labels. It is good for few labels upto 5 to 10. But if you have more labels, say 20 - 30 then the list goes very long. How about having two or more columns for labels as shown in the image. It will take less space and looks good.
To do this go to Layout > Edit HTML > Expand Widget Templates.
We need to find the Label id first. Press CTRL F and look for id='Label
Your Label id may be id='Label1 or id='Label2.
Now look for the following code
Now add following code before the ]]></b:skin>
#Label1 ul li{
float: left;
width: 45%;
Width will depend on how many columns you want included, and not always accurate, because the widget will inherit the label from the sidebar padding schedule (. Sidebar ul li or something similar). In this case, 45% is good for the two columns become 3 columns, you can walk along with 30 or 33%)